Articles from June 2023

My CIMBA Journey: Alessandro Rocchi
Monday, June 12, 2023
“Thanks to the MBA experience, I understood instead the importance and the "beauty" of teamwork and the quality of the result that is obtained with the contribution of all the different points of view. The international environment allows you to deal with cultures that are completely different from your own and to open yourself to new ways of thinking and approaching business and life in general. Thanks to the MBA and CIMBA, I have grown a lot, especially as a person.”

My CIMBA Journey: Jacopo Bonato
Thursday, June 1, 2023
"I brought home 2-3 “big tickets” from every class of the MBA, but the BIG TICKET is clearly the mindset. I do not meet a person, approach a problem, assess risk, or make a decision in the same way I did before the MBA. I’m used to introducing myself as a person with a special pair of glasses: the “Lean glasses” because I love lean management and I see everything as a process with improvement opportunities."